Archives of Christianity


Truths For This Week

I recently haven’t had a lot of time to write, but I wanted to share this with you guys… two truths for this week. God has really been opening my eyes and my heart to some of His wonderful...
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5 Must Have Apps for Bible Study

A recent statistic from showed that there are over 2.2 million apps available in the Apple App Store. That's incredible! Out of those 2.2 million apps, nearly 25% of them are games, but b...
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How to Live a Christ-Centered Life

What does it mean to live a Christ-centered life? A Christ-centered or Christocentric life, can be described in the following way: The Westminster Catechism states: Man’s chief end is to glorify God...
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A Prayer For Repentance

So many things come to mind when I read through Psalm 51. It's a Prayer of Repentance from David. He describes, what I believe, is the way a believer lives his life; realizing that he is dirty, and ne...
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Finding Contentment in Christ

This past Sunday at church, my pastor, Philip De Courcy, preached a message on the topic of finding contentment in Christ. It was a fitting subject matter for it being the first Sunday of the year. As...
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My Heaven Song

For a while now, I've put together different truths, lyrics, and verses to form what I call, My Heaven Song. I hope you enjoy. Heaven is my home. Your grace is enough, for me. Your grace is sufficient...
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